A Little History of My Forest Life: An Indian-White Autobiography
Eliza Morrison. Ladyslipper Press, $19.95 (200pp) ISBN 978-0-9702606-2-8
Born in Wisconsin in the mid-19th century to a mixed-race family of Chippewa, Scots and French, Eliza Morrison wrote her autobiography in a series of letters sent to her former employers in the Midwest. A Little History of My Forest Life: An Indian-White Autobiography, publishing them for the first time, giving a vivid, sometimes witty account of life in the mixed race (""m tis"") communities in the Great Lakes region. Morrison is the descendant of a long line of fur trading, French or Scottish men who took Chippewa wives and lived either among whites or other m tis families in typically bilingual settlements. Edited and introduced by scholar Victoria Brehm, the book includes accounts of the Wisconsin Death March and the Chippewa-Dakota War. (Apr.)
Reviewed on: 04/01/2002
Genre: Nonfiction