September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows: Turning Our Grief Into Action for Peace
David Potorti. Rdv Books, $14.95 (246pp) ISBN 978-0-9719206-4-4
Many of the relatives of September 11th victims who disagree with the U.S.'s military response to the terrorist attacks formed an activist group named Peaceful Tomorrows. In this enlightening volume, Potorti, a journalist and member of the organization, offers a history of the little known group. Among other activities, Peaceful Tomorrows members have visited Afghanistan and Iraq in order to spur the American public's sympathy with the citizens of countries attacked by the U.S. The book includes essays by members about their journeys with the group, letters from members to the federal government expressing disappointment in America's diplomatic efforts, and e-mails to the group's Web site, some expressing support for the group, others disapproval of their pacifist stance. These very personal and moving accounts will appeal to those who, like the group's members, believe violence was the wrong response to the tragedy of September 11. Photos.
Reviewed on: 01/01/2003
Genre: Nonfiction