TOWARD A NEW WORLD: Speeches, Essays, and Interviews on the War in Iraq, the UN, and the Changing Face of Europe
Dominique de Villepin, , . Melville, $18.95 (427pp) ISBN 978-0-9749609-8-2
This collection of public statements by the former foreign minister (and current interior minister) of France offers American readers insight into the mind and character of the man who, for a moment, was the face of global opposition to the U.S.-led war in Iraq. Born in Morocco and raised in Latin America, Villepin was well prepared for his role as foreign minister. And although he was often castigated by the American media as an obstreperous obstructionist, his writings reveal him as a thoughtful, engaged and even idealistic politician. Organized by topic—the Iraq war, the European Union, Israel, terrorism and international law—this miscellany clearly sets forth Villepin's philosophy: the primacy of international law and institutions, the need for inter-civilizational dialogue and the conviction that "war is always an acknowledgement of failure." A "Commentary and Debate" section allows prominent intellectuals (Susan Sontag, A.B. Yehoshua, Mario Vargas Llosa and others) to critique Villepin's views and offer their own thoughts about pressing international issues.
Reviewed on: 09/13/2004
Genre: Nonfiction