cover image The Do-It-Yourself Constitutional Amendment Kit

The Do-It-Yourself Constitutional Amendment Kit

Nathani Whitten. Vitally Important, $8.95 (96pp) ISBN 978-0-9774807-2-2

Like an episode of The Daily Show crossed with an issue of Mother Jones, this charming little book from Whitten (co-author of Vitally Important's similarly-pitched Secrets of the SuperOptimist) is a winning mix of humor and good citizenship. Based on Thomas Jefferson's assertion that ""the Constitution should be revised every 20 years,"" Whitten proposes a double-handful of amendments ""intended to instigate discussion... and inspire your own suggestions,"" including: ""All candidates for public office... will be required to read at least 20 books determined by a quorum of scholars""; ""No more appearances on comedy shows by those running for office""; and a last-word ""Fifth Estate"" made up of ""two people from each of the 50 states chosen at random to serve a four-year term."" While some ideas will strike readers as reasonable (""No driver's license shall be issued or renewed unless the person in question has voted in that year's election""), others are sure to rankle (""Fair Tax to be rendered immediately""; ""Ralph Nader given consolation prize in exchange for never running again""). Appended copies of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights will help readers get a knack for the assignment, while Whitten's edgy, laugh-out-loud text keeps things in perspective. Illustrations.