cover image A Promise Remembered

A Promise Remembered

Kim L. Lohret. Three Sisters, $14.99 paper (404p) ISBN 978-0-9887132-1-5

David, Liz, Jake, and Mar%C3%A9 are seemingly unconnected individuals, all searching for something. Liz is a divorc%C3%A9e raising a daughter who has an overwhelmingly strong connection to her imaginary friend. David recently returned from war and is struggling with post-traumatic stress. Jake is a wealthy real estate developer haunted by nightmares. Mar%C3%A9 is a writer who has suffered through abuse and is now discovering hidden memories. What none of these characters realize is that their lives are linked%E2%80%94they are from another dimension, and were sent to Earth to save the planet from environmental destruction via their slumbering powers and lead humanity to a peaceful and sustainable way of life. At times, the novel's various plotlines seem completely unrelated. Readers will spend the majority of the book trying to figure out how the characters relate to each other%E2%80%94but when their lives are finally tied together in the end, the result is tenuous and unconvincing. Although the book offers a positive environmental message, there's not enough plot to sustain reader interest.