Reports on the Internet Apocalypse
Wayne Gladstone. St. Martin's/Dunne, $24.99 (240p) ISBN 978-1-250-04840-0
In the final book of his Internet Apocalypse near-future trilogy, Gladstone brings his determinedly postmodern narrative to a satisfying conclusion. Special Agent Aaron N. Rowsdowner undertakes a quixotic investigation to end the Internet Apocalypse. Key to his success is locating the Internet Messiah Gladstone, who is the icon of protest and civil unrest. Though the story is framed as a gumshoe novel, it's all style and no mystery. The pace is pushed to the limit, as if to avoid the dread realm of "too long; didn't read." Both heroes and villains are clearly labeled, with no ambiguity. Gladstone (the author) tosses in sketches 4chan, Donald Trump, and other manifestations of the Internet. There is no tension, plot development, or character evolution to speak of, but that seems to be a deliberate stylistic choice. This is a sightseeing tour of online culture, business, and government,, the true meaning of which remains delightfully unclear. (Nov.)
Reviewed on: 10/31/2016
Genre: Fiction
Open Ebook - 256 pages - 978-1-4668-4926-6