The Stages: A Novel
Thom Satterlee. Smashwords, $4.99 e-book (386p) ISBN 978-1-301-08248-3
Daniel Peters is an American living in Copenhagen. He works in the Kierkegaard Research Center as a translator and suffers from Asperger's. When his boss (and former fianc%C3%A9e) is murdered soon after the discovery of a new Kierkegaard manuscript%E2%80%94a collection of poetry believed by some to be a forgery%E2%80%94Daniel is a prime suspect. His condition makes it difficult for him to tolerate changes to his routine or interpret people's behavior, but he is drawn into the mystery despite himself and must work with the police to uncover the truth. Satterlee clearly is familiar with Copenhagen and Kierkegaard, and this knowledge grounds the story and lends it realism. This is a deftly crafted mystery that will leave readers curious and surprised, as well as empathetic to Daniel, whose Asperger's is portrayed realistically.
Reviewed on: 04/22/2013
Genre: Fiction