Always Looking Up: The Adventures of an Incurable Optimist
Michael J. Fox, , read by the author. . Hyperion, $29.99 (0pp) ISBN 978-1-4013-9147-8
Considering that this audio book opens with the author detailing the laborious steps necessary just to get out of bed, it's miraculous that Fox's voice sounds just as charming, stalwart and nearly as steady as it did during his long film and television career. There are no frills of any kind with this recording, but none are needed; Fox's tale is engrossing on its own. He pulls no punches describing the hardships—both physical and emotional—that accompanied his diagnosis with Parkinson's, but listeners are quickly reminded that for every challenge the disease brought, Fox trained himself to find the silver lining. The first CD is enhanced with five photos (both viewable and printable) featuring Fox; his wife of two decades, Tracy Pollan; their children; and his eponymous foundation—photos are accessible by using the embedded PDF or via a Web link.
Reviewed on: 06/29/2009
Genre: Audio
Compact Disc - 288 pages - 978-1-4013-9516-2