SprinkleBakes: Dessert Recipes to Inspire Your Inner Artist
Heather Baird. Sterling Epicure, $19.95 (288p) ISBN 978-1-4027-8636-5
Line. Color. Sculpture. Mixed Media. These aren’t your typical chapter titles for a baking book, but Baird, an artist and blogger, isn’t your typical baker. With statements like “Every dessert is just a draft,” and questions such as “Who says a red velvet cake needs to be red?” she opts for blue velvet cupcakes. Creative freedom in the kitchen trumps tradition in this collection of more than 50 recipes that range from “blank canvases” such as sugar cookies and gingerbread, to visually pleasing concoctions like Dale Chihuly–inspired Candy Nesting Bowls, Free-form Lollipops, and Origami Cookies. Practicality has its place in this unique title with a well-written primer on baking equipment, detailed technique instructions, and usable templates, but bakers and confectioners of all levels may be new to the author’s “sand” casting with brown sugar and making positive molds out of chocolate and balloons. In the over-the-top Book Cake with pages that could turn, based on a sculpture by Su Blackwell, one realizes vanilla cake has certainly come a long way. (May)
Reviewed on: 02/20/2012
Genre: Nonfiction