How to Be a Boss B*tch: Stop Apologizing for Who You Are and Get the Life You Want
Christine Quinn, with Rachel Holtzman. Abrams Image, $27 (224p) ISBN 978-1-4197-6094-5
Quinn, star of Netflix’s Selling Sunset, reflects on her life as a real estate agent and encourages readers to upset expectations in this spirited if unoriginal debut. “This is a nothing-off-limits, in-your-face guide for how to break free of what you think is holding you back and finally own your life in all its eccentric, unique, passionate, and unedited glory,” Quinn writes, imparting advice she’s gained from acting, modeling, working in food service, and growing up Catholic in Texas. Quinn extols the benefits of “manifesting,” urging readers to visualize or journal about what they want as a means of bringing about that outcome, and sets rules for dating (“never sacrifice what you value most,” “protect your vagina like a boss”) and professional life (“stop apologizing” at the office, “go the extra mile”). The guidance often comes across as trite and overly broad, though the chapter on managing finances includes a few worthwhile suggestions, such as “save a minimum of 20 percent” of every paycheck. Selling Sunset fans might enjoy this, but those not already in the author’s camp would be best served elsewhere. (May)
Reviewed on: 03/09/2022
Genre: Nonfiction
Paperback - 256 pages - 978-1-4197-6095-2