Overcoming OCD: A Journey to Recovery
Janet Singer, with Seth J. Gillihan. Rowman & Littlefield, $35 (234p) ISBN 978-1-4422-3944-9
After witnessing strange behavior in her son, Dan, while visiting him at college, Singer first realized that he had OCD. Singer, now an advocate for OCD awareness, has crafted a touching account of her family's search for treatment . Each chapter covers a separate stage of their journey, from recognition of the disorder ("Everything Is Not Fine"), to seeking different avenues of help and treatments ("Looking For Help," "ERP to the Rescue"), to complications with Dan's residential treatment program ("A Pothole in the Road") and departure from the program ("The Crash," "Picking up the Pieces"), leading to his ultimate "Triumph over OCD." Deftly embedded throughout the Singers' journey are informative passages from co-author Gillihan, an assistant professor of psychology, that deftly mirror Singer's memoir narrative with clinical facts. For example, Gillihan explains "What is OCD" after Singer recounts her realization that her son had the disorder, later discussing "Odd Behavior in OCD" and "Medication for OCD" when Singer describes Dan's problem behaviors and struggle with various medications. Eventually, supported by his loving family, Dan was able to overcome OCD through exposure and response prevention (ERP) treatment. Singer and Gillihan's differing backgrounds and perspectives complement each other for a book that will leave readers moved, as well as educated about the nature of a disorder and how to defeat it. (Jan.)
Reviewed on: 02/16/2015
Genre: Nonfiction
Open Ebook - 240 pages - 978-1-4422-3945-6