Pure Fake
Beverly Scudamore. Lorimer (Orca, dist.), $9.95 trade paper (136p) ISBN 978-1-4594-0534-9
Written at a third-grade reading level, this entry in the SideStreets series stars body-conscious 11th-grader Gina Rondelli, who’s taking pills that prevent fat absorption (which have unpleasant digestive side effects) and also had a breast augmentation surgery (both at her mother’s suggestion). When one of Gina’s boyfriend’s exes returns to school, Gina learns that she doesn’t know Colter as well as she thought. From self-image and prescription drug abuse to dating violence, Scudamore packs her story with big issues, at times pushing into melodrama, but giving readers plenty to think about, too. Simultaneously available: Blow by Jodi Lundgren and Stupid by Kim Firmston. Ages 13–up. (Mar.)
Reviewed on: 01/20/2014
Genre: Children's
Hardcover - 136 pages - 978-1-4594-0533-2
Open Ebook - 136 pages - 978-1-4594-0535-6