Tomorrow War: Serpent Road
J.L. Bourne. Gallery, $16 trade paper (320p) ISBN 978-1-5011-1670-4
Fans of near-future dystopian fiction in which isolated warriors fight against a tyrannical U.S. government will welcome Bourne’s exciting sequel to 2016’s Tomorrow War: The Chronicles of Max. The tough, capable Max has accidentally contributed to a worldwide disaster involving a computer bug while on a CIA mission in Syria. Back in Newton County, Ark., he’s a wanted man, determined to fight the “lawless thugs that were running the country now.” Food is rationed, and guns have been confiscated. Officials can stop and frisk and search without warrants. Habeas corpus has been indefinitely suspended, and, worst of all, Chinese soldiers have been imported to hunt down the rebel fighters. Max goes on a series of rescue operations and is reunited with his old CIA mentor, Maggie. After linking up with a rebel group called the Northwest Arkansas Irregulars, Max and Maggie set out on one last mission, which may or may not bring down the government and restore freedom. For readers into this subgenre, this will go down as smoothly as a cold beer on a hot day. [em]Agent: Marc Gerald, UTA. (Aug.)
Reviewed on: 06/26/2017
Genre: Fiction