Steve Brill, Brill Steve, ""Wildman"" Steve Brill, , foreword by Arthur Schwartz. . Harvard Common, $29.95 (544pp) ISBN 978-1-55832-214-1

Brill follows his Identifying and Harvesting Edible and Medicinal Plants in Wild (And Not So Wild) Places with this specialist volume aimed at cooking found and gathered produce. Stressing the need to forage safely and not eat any plant unless completely certain of its identification and that it's free of pesticides and herbicides, the author explains "what makes wild food special" before describing methods of preparation and food types, winemaking and the wild food seasons. Main courses and desserts are intermingled so much so that it becomes hard to tell whether the ingredient is a main component or an enhancer. Filled with humorous anecdotes and small descriptions, almost every recipe relies on at least one foraged ingredient, though where possible Brill offers health store alternatives (while Monsieur Wildman's French Dressing calls for wild spearmint, he does suggest cultivated mint; unsweetened apple juice can be substituted for wild apples in Spiced Wild Apple Cider). In the end, the book will appeal to those who enjoy foraging in the wild as well as the vegetarian who is not only health- but also environmentally conscious. (Apr.)

Forecast: While Brill has had his share of media attention (David Letterman, Dan Rather and Regis and Kathy Lee have all covered him), this book is nonetheless specialist, and its sales will rely heavily on regional promotion and word of mouth.
