Deviled Eggs: 50 Recipes from Simple to Sassy
Debbie Moose. Harvard Common Press, $12.95 (96pp) ISBN 978-1-55832-272-1
Moose is serious about eggs. She knows how to keep the yolks centered (store eggs on their sides) and how to prevent Green Yolk Phenomenon (don't turn up the heat). She knows the best way to peel an egg, based on egg anatomy, and the best plate to use for serving eggs. But the author, a food writer for the Raleigh News and Observer, is also aware that most people make deviled eggs to""use up their kids' dyed Easter eggs"" and usually just sprinkle some paprika on them. She wants to show readers there's""life beyond paprika."" In this cute tome, she explains how to spruce up deviled eggs, drawing on family recipes (such as Cousin Judy's Deviled Eggs, which call for Worcestershire Sauce and Old Bay seasoning), seasonal influences (like Springtime Herb Delights) and regional fare (e.g., Bella Tuscany deviled eggs, which include rosemary, capers and sun-dried tomatoes). The recipes are short and easy to follow, and most call for basic ingredients that many cooks will already have in their cupboards.
Reviewed on: 04/26/2004
Genre: Nonfiction
Hardcover - 95 pages - 978-1-55832-433-6
Open Ebook - 96 pages - 978-1-55832-520-3