Race Is Run One Step at a Time
Nancy G. Brinker, Catherine M. Harris, Brinker. Summit Publishing Group, $13.95 (247pp) ISBN 978-1-56530-182-5
Continuing with his quest for physical and emotional health, Deepak Chopra (Ageless Body, Timeless Mind) zeroes in on common intestinal disorders in Perfect Digestion: The Key to Balanced Living, due in October from Harmony. Digestion plays a central role in our lives, says Chopra, turning to Ayurveda, the traditional Indian science of health, for greater understanding of the mind-body connection. Explaining how the gastrointestinal tract works when it's healthy, he offers suggestions for restoring it to health when ideal functioning is lost through imbalance or disease. Literary Guild and Doubleday Book Club alternate selections. ($15 128p ISBN 0-517-79975-8) An autoimmune disorder that often defies diagnosis and to date has defied a cure is closely considered in Dr. Daniel J. Wallace's The Lupus Book, an October title from Oxford University Press. Describing the mechanism of the disease and putting therapies into perspective, Wallace, an L.A.-based specialist in lupus, blends clinical information with practical advice. ($25 256p ISBN 0-19-508443-8) In The Race Is Run One Step at a Time: Every Woman's Guide to Taking Charge of Breast Cancer, a September title from the Summit Group, Nancy Brinker addresses the reader in personal terms. Having lost her sister to breast cancer and waged her own successful battle with the disease, she describes the devastating course of her sister's disease and discusses the importance of early detection, care and preventative measures. This revision is updated from a 1990 edition to incorporate information about the latest technologies and statistics. ($13.95 paper, 224p ISBN 1-56530-182-X)
Reviewed on: 01/02/1995
Genre: Nonfiction