cover image BORDER DOGS


Karen Palmer, . . Soho, $24 (305pp) ISBN 978-1-56947-315-3

Palmer's impressive second novel works at several levels as an exploration of borders and boundaries. California border patrol cop James Reese begins to suspect that a colleague is sabotaging his equipment after he almost dies during a fire while his team tries to smoke out the "coyotes" who guide illegal Mexican aliens into the U.S. Reese has ample reason to point the finger at a younger co-worker, Leo Tutrone, especially since Reese stole Tutrone's sexy girlfriend, Mercedes, and then married her. Reese's suspicions continue to grow when he learns of Leo's ties to a dangerous coyote named Richard Serrano, who goes by the nickname of "Anteater." Investigating Serrano, Reese learns that he played a pivotal role in the conviction of Reese's birth father, who died in prison after being framed for the drowning of a young pregnant woman. Palmer's prose is especially impressive in the first half of the book as she captures the edgy uncertainty of the ongoing battle between the coyotes and the border cops. A similar edginess extends into Reese's personal life, as he tries to sort through his mixed feelings for his wife while dealing with his continued attraction to a former girlfriend, who works as a photographer for the border patrol. The chapters in which Reese investigates the crime are more generic, but he's an intriguing protagonist, and Palmer creates a mysterious, compelling atmosphere while maintaining command of the narrative. This is a solid second novel for Palmer after her well-reviewed All Saints, and it establishes her as a writer with considerable range. Agent, Susan Ramer, Don Congdon Associates. (Oct.)

Forecast: A strong regional push in the Southwest and Southern California could result in increased sales for Palmer.
