Taoist Meditation
. Shambhala Publications, $15.95 (128pp) ISBN 978-1-57062-567-1
These five Taoist treatises, written from the 7th to the 19th century, offer Chinese sages' thoughts on meditation, ""alternative"" medicine, body energy, human nature, the martial arts and life and death (""Everyone likes life but not the path of long life. Everyone dislikes death but not the things conducive to death""). The first selection, ""Anthology on the Cultivation of Realization,"" is a vivid assortment of reflections taking up nearly half the book's text; it is long but fascinating. The esoteric ""Treatise on Sitting Forgetting"" is also a jewel, closing with some fundamental principles of Taoist meditation (""Arrest thoughts as they arise, in order to make your mind peaceful and quiet""). (June)
Reviewed on: 07/03/2000
Genre: Religion