Tofu Cookery
Louise Hagler. Book Publishing Company (TN), $21.95 (187pp) ISBN 978-1-57067-220-0
In this newly-revised edition of the 25-year-old classic, Hagler (Tofu Quick & Easy, Miso Cookery, Meatless Burgers) finds yet more options for this vegetarian staple. Offering over a hundred recipes for everything from straightforward dips (chive, dill, roasted red pepper and guacamole) to favorites like manicotti, enchiladas, chili, stir-fries and cheesecake, Hagler includes plenty of everyday dishes that cooks will return to again and again. Some dishes, such as the overly complicated Spring Rolls and the stunningly unattractive Layered Casserole, a multilayered earth-toned dish comprised of spinach, tofu with pimentos and mushrooms, are devoid of texture and may give some cooks pause, but the sheer number and variety of entries (a dozen puddings, 16 breads, 18 salad dressings) more than make up for the occasional missteps, and ensure that diners won't get bored.
Reviewed on: 06/02/2008
Genre: Nonfiction