Spirit Matters
Michael Lerner. Walsch Books, $22.95 (363pp) ISBN 978-1-57174-195-0
Lerner, psychotherapist, rabbi and editor of Tikkun magazine, strongly feels that people subconsciously realize that they have closed off their sense of spirituality, and that they long for deeper meaning. He calls for this hunger to be openly recognized, with humanity working toward a global ""Emancipatory Spirituality."" Emancipatory Spirituality proclaims a recaptured awe of the universe, affirms the equal worth of every human being and promotes the healing and transformation of the world. It connects people to the ""oneness of all being,"" embracing our innate sense of play, creativity and intellectual capabilities. Spirit matters, Lerner says, and denial of this fact leads to fractured personal lives, an alienated society and the unhealthy treatment of our environmental resources. His theoretical arguments are compelling and well considered, particularly as he traces the history of the horrors we have reaped from collectively denying the Spirit, and readers will no doubt appreciate his exercises in becoming more open to the Spirit. Unfortunately, Lerner's arguments on how to implement the needed focus on the Spirit in vocations such as medicine, education and law often fall short of reality and practicality, sounding shallow and glib. While he may be correct in arguing that individuals should remain open to the Spirit made manifest in their lives, he neglects to acknowledge--or prescribe a cure for--the large numbers of people who may not care to do so. (June)
Reviewed on: 05/29/2000
Genre: Religion