At a time when the Christian market is selling copies of The Prayer of Jabez
in record numbers and masses are praying boldly for God's blessing to fall heavily upon their lives, this gentle book points to another path. Sloan observes that many Christians search for blessings first and God second. Yet he maintains that God's richest blessings come through serving the brokenhearted and battered; genuine favor rests upon those who are willing to see past the decay in order to sacrificially offer whatever comfort and care they can. Sloan sketches out a brief description of the biblical encourager Barnabas, who demonstrated a generous heart when he sold his real estate and gave the proceeds to the apostles. He showed courage in defending Paul among the skeptical followers of Christ and again took on the role of comrade and confidante when he made a stand for his fellow missionary cousin, John Mark. Barnabas continued his behind-the-scenes service to the end of his life. Sloan makes a sound case for emulating Barnabas, yet the text jumps around too disjointedly and the author's thoughts, while worthy, come across as hastily slapped together. Readers not familiar with the biblical character of Barnabas also have to wait until chapter four before they are given this pertinent background data. While Sloan's passion for service is heartfelt, it is regrettable that this information couldn't have been presented in a more flowing fashion. (July)