The Handy Islam Answer Book
John Renard. Visible Ink (Legato, dist.), $21.95 trade paper (448p) ISBN 978-1-57859-510-5
This book, the latest in the publisher's Handy Answer Book series, is a helpful and comprehensive introduction to Islam, from its basic tenets to its geographical variation to its historical and contemporary political implications. Renard, a professor of comparative theology, is a strong prose writer with deep expertise on display in this work, as he delves into theology and politics with erudition and a measured, compassionate tone that will resonate with introductory readers. The question-and-answer format, however, does the work a disservice, as it interrupts Renard's thought, tires upon sustained reading, and often seems forced, with questions obviously posed only to fit the format. The intended audience for the book is unclear, with the questions ranging from the most basic ("What's the language of the Qur'an?") to far more complex questions few introductory readers would think to ask ("What is Nimrod's role in Islamic sources?") Still, it will be an invaluable asset for schools, libraries, and individuals seeking an informed and organized reference book for those curious about Islam and its role in today's world. (Jan.)\t
Reviewed on: 02/16/2015
Genre: Nonfiction
Open Ebook - 448 pages - 978-1-57859-545-7
Open Ebook - 448 pages - 978-1-57859-543-3