cover image Will My Pet Go to Heaven?

Will My Pet Go to Heaven?

Steve Wohlberg. Winepress Publishing, $9.95 (96pp) ISBN 978-1-57921-485-2

Americans seem to have a deep and perpetually unresolved theological question: Will our pets be with us in the afterlife? In Will My Pet Go to Heaven?, the latest gauntlet to be thrown down in the will-Rover-find-Elysium debate, evangelical Christian Steve Wohlberg comes down firmly in favor of the idea that our furry friends will indeed accompany us to some paradisiacal Valhalla. Readers should come armed with Kleenex for the inevitable stories of pets who save humans' lives, return to their owners despite moves and accidental separations or try to communicate with their loved ones from beyond the grave. Wohlberg opens the book with an account of the devastating loss of his own dog to a car accident in October 2001. These personal stories are heartfelt and memorably told, but they do not compensate for the book's poor biblical analysis, which consists of simplistic proof-texting.