cover image AND MORNING CAME: Scriptures of the Resurrection

AND MORNING CAME: Scriptures of the Resurrection

Megan McKenna, . . Sheed & Ward, $24.95 (248pp) ISBN 978-1-58051-141-4

Established Catholic author McKenna is strong on storytelling and scriptural exegesis in this exploration of gospel writings about the resurrection. She shows how the differing accounts that climax the four gospels, as well as other stories they tell of the miraculous defeat of human death, deepen the believer's acceptance and appreciation of the central mysterious teaching of Christianity. While maintaining strong fidelity to gospel texts, she complements Christian teaching with time-honored stories and references from other cultures and religions, providing harmonious exposition about spiritual truths that many have heard across times and cultures in different ways. Her range of stories and prayers is eclectic, though she hews most to the analysis of Catholic theologian Raymond Brown when operating directly on gospel text. Because she is a storyteller, McKenna employs an oral style that can be verbose and awkward on the page: the book could have used harder editing. At its best, McKenna's writing is poetic and mystically imaginative, but at its worst it's overheated, piling on words ("The level of rejection, anger, hostility, rage and hate was building up…") in winding sentences. On the whole, however, McKenna sensitively unpacks the challenging and joyful promise at the heart of Christianity and lays out the ethical guidance it provides through its reminder of life through resurrection. (Jan.)
