Emily Horn, , illus. by Pawel Pawlak. . Charlesbridge/Whispering Coyote, $15.95 (32pp) ISBN 978-1-58089-093-9
The title's interrogator is Herbert, a stray black kitten who reasons—based on his research in the library—that his ideal home would be with a pointy-hatted sorceress. Searching the city, he finds three likely candidates—a lady with striped stockings, a street cleaner with a broom and a witchy-looking lady cooking over a big pot—but his question only provokes fear, ridicule or outrage. "How dare you call me a witch!" the hag-like cook says, shaking her ladle. "Scram, you wicked cat! And don't come around here again!" Despite these spikes of drama, however, the story feels static—the narrative is so literally descriptive that little momentum builds, nor does it provide Herbert with much personality. Pawlak's acrylic illustrations pick up most of the slack. His strongly geometric, off-kilter renderings and thick, luminously mottled colors take on an almost cubist sense of energy. While he doesn't picture Herbert with a wide range of expressions, the feline's huge ears, intense yellow eyes and wiry whiskers exude a winsome vulnerability. Readers may not find this a wholly compelling tale, but they'll enjoy seeing this furry hero finally meet his match: an entire school of adoring young witches. Ages 4-9.
Reviewed on: 07/14/2003
Genre: Children's