Williams (Prayers of My Heart
) transforms the firefighter's motto of "stop, drop and roll" to "stop, drop, and pray" as she summons Christian women to a deeper relationship with Christ. She says that if a woman wants to break out of spiritual apathy, she must first recognize the danger and stop, then drop to her knees and pray. The gimmicks don't stop there: Williams unpacks the word PRAY into an acronym for four steps of prayer itself. Believers should Praise
God, Repent
and confess sins, Ask
for help and Yield
to God's will. The majority of Williams's text is a meatier-than-expected A to Z devotional emphasizing the myriad qualities of God. Each alphabetical entry includes a scripture verse, a brief prayer of summation, an in-depth yet succinct study of the specific attribute, a meditation moment and an invitation to interact in journal form. Williams looks at God as a vine dresser, nourishing the soul; as an empowerer who strengthens believers; and as an equitable judge. Leaders' guide materials delve into deeper questions, and at-a-glance A to Z reference charts add value. Despite some superficial attention-grabbing devices in the early pages, this is a satisfactory devotional primer. (Jan. 3)