Strong: Nine Next-Level Workout Programs for Women
Lou Schuler and Alwyn Cosgrove. Avery, $27.95 (256p) ISBN 978-1-58333-575-8
From the duo that brought forth the highly successful The New Rules of Lifting series comes a new guide aimed squarely at women who want to be strong. At its core is the new program Cosgrove developed based on responses to an earlier book he wrote with Schuler, NROL for Women. This offering is divided into four parts, covering basic information about strength and muscle development, the new training program, exercises with alternatives and options, and, finally, any remaining questions or doubts. In Part One, the authors clearly explain strength training, weight control, and diets while giving fitness anecdotes, both from Schuler’s own life and from women. Part Two maps out the program in three phases (develop, demand, and display), detailing weekly workouts in exhaustive charts, while Part Three covers every exercise, complete with steps and pictures demonstrating each move. Part Four includes a beginner’s guide to lifting, information on strength-training equipment, and instructions for choosing weights. This book is thoughtful, precise, and well-geared to providing women of all ages and fitness backgrounds with the knowledge and tools necessary for building strength. [em](Nov.)
Reviewed on: 09/21/2015
Genre: Nonfiction
Paperback - 304 pages - 978-0-399-57343-9