365 Yoga
Julie Rappaport. Jeremy P. Tarcher, $15.95 (304pp) ISBN 978-1-58542-324-8
One of the goals of practicing yoga is finding a balance between action and reflection. Yogis attempting to achieve that objective will find a great helper in Rappaport's chubby little book of reflections, wherein the yoga teacher and writer shares ancient and modern texts that speak to the philosophy of yoga. The diverse collection includes thoughts from well-known sources such as the Bhagavad Gita; philosophers like Goethe; famous yogis including Sri Swami Satchidananda; and inspiring heroes from Mother Teresa to Gandhi to Edith Wharton. Rappaport also writes her own meditations on yoga, which are often matter-of-fact and serve as a welcome change from the sometimes complex and theoretical selections. Readers may opt to read one meditation a day, before or after practicing yoga, and Rappaport's helpful glossary will assist them in understanding such Sanskrit terms as anandatandava (eternal bliss) and mukti (freedom or release from suffering).
Reviewed on: 08/16/2004
Genre: Nonfiction