cover image The Reason Driven Life: What Am I Here on Earth For?

The Reason Driven Life: What Am I Here on Earth For?

Robert M. Price. Prometheus Books, $26.98 (363pp) ISBN 978-1-59102-476-7

Rick Warren's The Purpose-Driven Life has sold more than 25 million copies and been translated into dozens of languages. Until now, its premises have gone largely unchallenged by mainstream Christians. Recovering fundamentalist, member of the Jesus Seminar and former Baptist pastor Price offers the first parody and critique of Warren's bestseller. Following closely the structure of Warren's book, Price divides his book into 40 days. On each day, he criticizes Warren's message for the day-worship, salvation, eternal life, the Bible-and offers his own interpretation of the reasons we live our lives the ways we do. As his title indicates, Price argues that individuals need not be told by an outsider how to find purpose; rather, they can use their own reason to ferret out the meaning of life. Price argues that Warren's view of a personal God conflicts with our morally neutral universe, creating an unhealthy, superstitious approach to life. Warren's God, Price says, is a ""Frankenstein Monster, a divine bully, and an obsessive stalker."" Although Warren's book is certainly ripe for critique, this one falls short: Price violates three of his own principles (get to the point as quickly as possible, stay on topic and do not grandstand) as he smugly plods through the 40 days of reason.