cover image Jesus Rode a Donkey: Why Republicans Don't Have the Corner on Christ

Jesus Rode a Donkey: Why Republicans Don't Have the Corner on Christ

Linda Seger, . . Adams Media, $24.95 (332pp) ISBN 978-1-59337-619-2

Despite the provocative title, Linda Seger, a theologian and commentator who has appeared on CNN, NPR and The O'Reilly Factor , disappointingly fails to deliver the "accounting of how Christian values are expressed through the Democratic Party" that she calls for in her introduction. Rather than juxtaposing Democratic Party platform ideas against her analysis of biblical references and Jesus' stand on topics ranging from abortion to the environment, health care, homosexuality and war, she instead defies her own battle cry to "stop the rhetoric." Much of the book is taken up with criticism of the current Republican administration, as well as conservative Christians and their actions, policies and hypocrisy. James Dobson and Focus on the Family figure more prominently in her debate than one might expect in a national overview of Christian Democrats. Sadly, Seger squanders the opportunity to provide Christian Democrats with a plan to showcase their religious values, much less bring new members to their party. The included study guide may serve for both personal and group reflection, and in the end, prove more useful than the uneven book that precedes it. (Aug.)
