Jennifer Crusie, , read by Deanna Hurst. . Brilliance Audio, $36.95 (0pp) ISBN 978-1-59355-392-0
Audio reviews reflect
Minerva Dobbs is an overweight, over-cautious woman in her 30s, but when she hears her ex-boyfriend bet handsome Calvin Morrisey that he can't get Min into bed within a month, she decides to give both men a taste of their own medicine. Inevitably, Min hits a stumbling block when she finds herself falling hard for Cal, who lures her with rich food and mind-boggling kisses. Cal, in turn, can't resist the lush, sexy Min. Their road is not an easy one, and they have to consume massive quantities of Chicken Marsala and Krispy Kremes—some might argue too many of each—before they reach their happy ending. Hurst's voice contains an energy and exuberance that leaves little doubt that she's the perfect narrator for Crusie's (
Reviewed on: 03/01/2004
Genre: Audio
Analog Audio Cassette - 978-1-59086-030-4
Compact Disc - 978-1-4558-1531-9
Hardcover - 384 pages - 978-0-312-30346-4
Hardcover - 544 pages - 978-0-375-43356-6
MP3 CD - 978-1-59335-275-2
MP3 CD - 978-1-4558-3856-1
Mass Market Paperbound - 432 pages - 978-0-312-98785-5
Mass Market Paperbound - 432 pages - 978-0-312-35708-5
Open Ebook - 384 pages - 978-1-4299-0334-9
Paperback - 448 pages - 978-0-312-54881-0
Pre-Recorded Audio Player - 978-1-60640-909-1