A Month of Sundays: Family, Friends, Food & Quilts
Cheryl Arkison. C&T/Stash, $22.95 trade paper (144p) ISBN 978-1-60705-696-6
Arkison (Sunday Morning Quilts) draws a dreamscape of quiet afternoons sewing and playing. Her lulling, maternal voice whispers “slow down.” She pieces together four themes to take it easy: relax, eat, shop, and explore. Before guiding the reader on these personal journeys, she introduces an idea for committed beginners: using “low-volume” fabrics in which white or a light base dominates any graphics or colors, so there is less contrast in color, value, and scale. In the “Relax” chapter, she writes: “True relaxation comes when you concentrate on something other than the stress of real life.” She offers instructions for quilts called “View” and “Beach Grass” and for a mat for playing “button Sudoku.” She presents “Crossword” and “Sherbet” quilts in the chapter “Eat,” as well as apron and napkin patterns; a “Hugs and Kisses” quilt of X’s and O’s and a pattern for a wine carrier in “Shop”; in “Explore,” the quilt features large-scale pinwheels in many greens. Patterns for a sack and a scarf also reflect that theme. The last section, “Basics Plus,” covers no-nonsense how-tos. (July)
Reviewed on: 06/03/2013
Genre: Nonfiction