The Nature of Urban Design: A New York Perspective on Resilience
Alexandros Washburn. Island, $40 (256p) ISBN 978-1-61091-380-5
Cities are engines of creation and prosperity, culture, and freedom, and perhaps New York City is the best example of this phenomenon. Few have a better perspective on urban development than architect Washburn, chief urban designer at N.Y.C.’s Department of City Planning. Concerned about the looming challenges faced by New York and other cities, such as rapid urbanization and climate change, Washburn shows how urban design can transform cities—both urban cores and their suburban marshes. Will and vision are necessary but not themselves sufficient; finance and politics pose obstacles to change. Washburn synthesizes the top-down views of Robert Moses with the more organic and democratic attitude of Jane Jacob, balancing the concerns and desires of individuals with the needs of their communities, effectively illustrating his points with examples drawn from around the world. Sensibly organized and lavishly illustrated, the book will interest all urbanites, and especially urban planners. Illus. (Oct.)
Reviewed on: 09/02/2013
Genre: Nonfiction
Open Ebook - 265 pages - 978-1-61091-516-8
Paperback - 264 pages - 978-1-61091-699-8