Fully Alive: Lighten Up and Live—A Journey That Will Change Your Life
Ken Davis, read by the author. Oasis Audio, unabridged, seven CDs, 7 hrs., $27.99 ISBN 978-1-61375-114-5
How does one continue to function and live fully amid a life often filled with hardship and struggles? Motivational speaker Davis uses anecdotes from his own personal battles—everything from his depression and doubt to his ballooning weight—to show listeners how they can overcome obstacles and hardship. Davis’s view is filtered through Christian spirituality, and he uses his religion as the foundation for his calls to action. Despite the seeming complexity of this journey, Davis’s goal is simple: motivating listeners to take risks, get in shape, and enjoy their lives. Davis is a fun and enthusiastic narrator. Even when reading passages depicting moments of danger—e.g., when his granddaughter goes missing in the woods—his voice is lively and spirited. And listeners will find this vocal quality reassuring, making Davis the perfect narrator for his book. Christian audiences hoping for fast-paced and inspirational listening will particularly enjoy this audio edition. A Thomas Nelson hardcover. (July)
Reviewed on: 10/29/2012
Genre: Audio