Animal Camouflage: Search and Find
Sam Hutchinson, illus. by Sarah Dennis. Princeton Architectural Press, $16.95 (32p) ISBN 978-1-61689-626-3
Gorgeous cut-paper illustrations introduce 77 animals—11 each in seven regions (five continents, plus Australasia and polar areas). An initial spread for each region offers delicate silhouettes of and details about each animal; after a page turn, the same animals are hidden within dense cut-paper landscapes: beady-eyed foxes blend into the underbrush of a European forest as the outstretched wings of barn owls entwine with spindly tree branches. Though the details Hutchinson provides are basic (“Armadillos are the only mammal to have a shell”), readers will come away with plenty of animal trivia, and Dennis’s intricate cut-paper images are showstoppers. Ages 6–9. (Sept.)
Reviewed on: 08/21/2017
Genre: Children's