Duck, Duck, Porcupine!
Salina Yoon. Bloomsbury, $9.99 (64p) ISBN 978-1-61963-723-8
Three friends—Big Duck, Little Duck, and Porcupine—star in a trio of stories that blend elements of picture books, chapter books, and comics. Told entirely through dialogue between Big Duck and Porcupine (Little Duck never speaks, though his beady eyes say plenty), two stories follow the friends’ efforts to go picnicking and camping; rain disrupts the first outing, and Big Duck’s 100-item packing list threatens the other. In the remaining story, Big Duck, who gets the most personality in these tales, attempts to remember something she has forgotten (Porcupine’s birthday). Chunky, vividly colored digital cartoons create a sunny environment for the friends (even when the sun’s not out), and the focused dialogue and lighthearted exchanges make each story approachable. Ages 5–7. [em]Agent: Jamie Weiss Chilton, Andrea Brown Literary Agency. (May)
Reviewed on: 04/18/2016
Genre: Children's
Paperback - 64 pages - 978-1-61963-724-5