The Master Key: The Qigong Way to Unlock Your Hidden Power
Robert Peng, with Rafael Nasser. Sounds True, $21.95 trade paper (342p) ISBN 978-1-62203-139-9
First-time author and Qigong master Peng juxtaposes memoir with easy-to-follow exercises for tapping into our inner power. Divided into four parts, the book begins with the story of Peng’s introduction to Qigong by revered master Xiao Yao, whom he met by happenstance at the age of eight. For the next 13 years, Peng studied Dan Ming Qigong, or Elixir Light Qigong, and would witness unbelievable feats: men walking on water; the charming of wild animals. Peng’s tale takes you through his spiritual enlightenment, his increasing physical, mental, and emotional strength, and healing powers, as well as his university days, Xiao Yao’s death, and his journey from China to Australia to New York City, where—after training over 150,000 individuals in Qigong—he decided to write this book. Part Two introduces the body’s quartet of energy centers (the Four Golden Wheels), and how to access them; Part Three details additional exercises meant to expand the Qi unlocked by the Four Golden Wheels; and Part Four outlines the establishment of a daily Qigong practice, which enables you to create a more joyful existence that will positively influence every facet of your life. Writing with Nasser, Peng is an enthusiastic instructor, and his teachings are powerful tools for personal growth, self-empowerment, and, ultimately, happiness. (Feb.)
Reviewed on: 12/16/2013
Genre: Nonfiction