Things I’d Rather Do Than Die
Christine Hurley Deriso. Flux, $14.99 (304p) ISBN 978-1-63583-022-4
Schoolmates Jade and Ethan, who run in very different social circles, get locked overnight in the gym where Jade works after a robbery occurs there. They spend the entire time talking and getting to know one another, but complications await these new friends once they are let out: Jade’s father has cancer and might die, and Ethan, whose home life is rocky at best, has a jealous girlfriend, Brianne, who is unhappy about his connection to Jade. As Brianne becomes more overbearing, Ethan questions their relationship yet can’t seem to let it go, even as he begins to fall for Jade. Ethan’s character is defined by popularity and football, as well as his devout Christianity, which makes Jade wary (“If there’s a God, maybe what he really values is people keeping an open mind,” she says). The faith-related conversations can, at times, be didactic, and Deriso’s prose is occasionally heavy-handed and clichéd. Still, despite the looming tragedy and family difficulties that permeate the characters’ lives, Jade and Ethan’s believable dialogue and the quick switches between their perspectives make this a fast, light read. Ages 14–up. [em]Agent: Andrea Somberg, Harvey Klinger. (Sept.)
Reviewed on: 06/25/2018
Genre: Children's
Other - 978-1-63583-023-1