Reason to Return: Why Women Need the Church and the Church Needs Women
Ericka Andersen. NavPress, $16.99 trade paper (288p) ISBN 978-1-64158-566-8
This persuasive plea by journalist Andersen (Leaving Cloud 9) encourages women to return to the Christian church. Andersen uses personal anecdotes and women’s stories to argue that attending church provides community and spiritual enrichment not found by those practicing outside a church setting. She points to the Covid-19 pandemic, harsh pastors, and lack of time as contributing to declines in women’s church attendance. To illustrate, she recounts how hectic her schedule became after her son started kindergarten but emphasizes that she made time for church. Andersen also shares the story of a mother who felt alienated from her church by her pastor’s disapproval of her divorce. Still, she saw the value of church and, rather than quitting, decided to find a more inclusive congregation. The author outlines the benefits of belonging to a church, which include developing a fuller theology and reducing loneliness. Andersen’s advice comes across as gentle encouragement from a trusted friend (“When we are in Christ, we are the light of the world. So get ready to shine, baby”), and the stories speak to the diverse and complicated relationships many women have with the church. This stimulating take on the merits of church membership illuminates. (Jan.)
Reviewed on: 10/03/2022
Genre: Religion