Clara Poole and the Long Way Round
Taylor Tyng. Pixel+Ink, $17.99 (384p) ISBN 978-1-64595-159-9
Twelve-year-old Michigan daredevil Clara Poole loves heights and climbing, but her overly protective father has kept a tight rein on her ever since Clara’s mother was killed by lightning a year ago. But after tying balloons to a lawn chair results in accidental flight and brings Clara unexpected fame, the World Organization of Balloon Aeronauts’ invites her to participate in their 100th-anniversary hot air balloon race as their celebrity Face of the Race. Though her father forbids it, Clara forges his signature and runs away. Upon joining the race, she’s partnered with veteran champion Greta Gildersleeve and her trio of monkey pilots. Clara makes similarly adrenaline-seeking friends and enemies among fellow juvenile competitors, including aristocratic Ophelia Chins-Ratton, effervescent Hatsu Hoshi, and good-natured Harbinder Jolly, who each encourage her adventurous pursuits. Throughout the race’s increasingly risky stages, Clara embraces her newfound calling as a balloon pilot, while navigating natural hazards and ruthless sabotage from a rival. Occasionally outlandish but with plenty of heart and charm, Tyng’s fast-paced debut conjures excitement via a high-octane premise that’s tempered by laugh-out-loud humor and populated by idiosyncratic characters. Aeronaut teams represent their home countries; Hatsu cues as Japanese, Harbinder reads as Indian, and Clara and others read as white. Ages 8–12. (July)
Reviewed on: 05/11/2023
Genre: Children's
Other - 1 pages - 978-1-64595-160-5
Paperback - 384 pages - 978-1-64595-161-2