Giraffes Stretch
Rebecca Glaser. Amicus/Amicus Ink (Chronicle, dist.), $7.99 (16p) ISBN 978-1-68152-069-8
Photographs of giraffes reveal their movements in this bare-bones introduction to the species. The simple, direct text (“Munch, munch! The leaves up here taste good. Run, run! Stay together giraffes”) is well-matched to the chosen images, though lines like “Giraffes are tall” and “Giraffes bend down for water” don’t do much more than describe what readers can readily see for themselves. A clean design and the crisp, up-close giraffe photos are the main draw. Simultaneously available: Lions Roar, Elephants Spray, Dolphins Play, Monkeys Swing, and Penguins Waddle. Ages 2–4. (Mar.)
Reviewed on: 03/28/2016
Genre: Children's