cover image When God Says Go: Rising to Challenge and Change Without Losing Your Confidence, Your Courage, or Your Cool

When God Says Go: Rising to Challenge and Change Without Losing Your Confidence, Your Courage, or Your Cool

Elizabeth Laing Thompson. Shiloh Run, $14.99 trade paper (224p) ISBN 978-1-68322-555-3

Thompson, a minister and contributor to lifestyle site Lizzy Life, attempts to dispel the notion that one has to be particularly talented in order to serve God well in this reassuring book. Thompson uses numerous biblical tales (including Moses, Mary, Abigail, and Jeremiah) to give account of the times God encouraged fallible men and women to rely on him and live out their purpose. “Our God is always calling His people to go: to move, to give, to grow,” she writes as she encourages readers to never cease welcoming unfamiliar, and even frightening, new experiences. Thompson pairs these biblical reflections with examples, both serious and frivolous, taken from her life, such as her effort to overcome a long-held mistrust of coffee mugs. Chapters end with suggested Scripture readings, journal prompts, and prayers. She also distinguishes brash action from personal growth, noting that God may ask for his followers to courageously stay put when they desperately desire to leave: “God always wants us to move forward, but that forward motion often happens right where we are... Sometimes God tells us to go and stay: Stay home. Go back to an old place with a new attitude.” Reading like a moving sermon, Thompson’s book of biblical lessons will appeal to Christians looking for spiritual encouragement. (May)