Miniscapes: Create Your Own Terrarium
Clea Cregan. Hardie Grant (Chronicle, dist.), $24.99 (160p) ISBN 978-1-74379-140-0
Urban dwellers with a green thumb will be wise to pick up a copy of Cregan's delightful guide to DIY terrariums. Easier to care for than most bonsai, more contained than a regular houseplant, terrariums can solve a multitude of problems for people who don't have much space or light. Australian gardener Cregan, who makes custom terrariums for a living, presents the subject in a crisp, fun style, with plenty of information and ideas to get novices started. Seasoned terrarium gardeners can probably skip the early instructional part of the book, but will still find plenty of inspiration in Cregan's tiny landscapes. Especially fascinating is the use of small toys and figures to create scenes in the terrariums. Animals such as deer can be used to give the grouping a woodland look; aliens and cartoon characters can be used for more whimsy. The pictures and instructions are clear and easy to follow, and materials are easily sourced. Air plants and succulents come in many more colors than new gardeners probably realize, and creating a colorful container of plants in the home can be as easy or involved as the gardener wishes. (Sept.)
Reviewed on: 08/29/2016
Genre: Nonfiction
Hardcover - 160 pages - 978-1-74379-686-3