Stat Shot
Rob Vollman, with Tom Awad and Iain Fyffe. ECW (Perseus/Legato, U.S. dist.; Jaguar Book Group, Canadian dist.), $17.95 trade paper (360p) ISBN 978-1-77041-309-2
Hockey analysts and sportswriters Vollman, Awad, and Fyffe compile an informative but dense guide to hockey analytics for fans looking to enhance their predictive skills. The authors explain statistics such as shot-based and possession metrics, expected save percentage, goals versus salary, goals versus threshold, and shot-quality neutral save percentage. The book offers various models intended as tools to predict hockey success in a wide range of areas and to help settle perennial hockey questions such as who is the best draft pick or best goalie. It includes some provocative takes on the best way to build a team and predicting the future success of junior players. Readers will need to absorb an extensive array of statistical notions, formulas, and figures probably more suited to hockey executives and coaches than the average fan. This is a passionate account of the merits of hockey analytics, but fans are more likely to use it as a reference guide to particular statistics than to read and digest it cover to cover. Agent: Brian J. Wood. (Sept.)
Reviewed on: 08/22/2016
Genre: Nonfiction