Atlas of Monsters and Ghosts
Federica Magrin, illus. by Laura Brenlla. Lonely Planet Kids, $17.99 (96p) ISBN 978-1-78868-347-0
This oversize volume offers an international tour of mythical and supernatural creatures, organized by world region. Magrin introduces ghosts and mythological creatures of Europe, the Middle East, Asia, Africa, and Central and South America, with maps featuring spot-art images of the individual entities placed in their region of origin. (Monsters from Japan and Greek mythology each receive their own listing, as do water monsters and ghosts of famous folks.) The subjects range from the more generically menacing Boogeyman and La Llorona to spirits and creatures tied to particular locations or events. In Namibia, the ghosts of Kolmanskop occupy a town “left to the sands of the desert,” while the toys left behind on Mexico’s Island of the Dolls belong to a girl’s ghost. Brenlla’s plucky cartoon renderings give the creatures the feel of caricatures, mitigating the volume’s scare impact. Readers will enjoy spotting familiar monsters and ghosts while learning that things go bump in the night all around the globe. Ages 9–12. [em](July)
Reviewed on: 08/29/2019
Genre: Children's