The Gay Gospels: Good News for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered People
Keith Sharpe. O Books/Circle (NBN, dist.), $16.95 trade paper (204p) ISBN 978-1-84694-548-9
What the Bible really says about homosexuality gets another treatment by retired education professor and gay activist Sharpe. The first half repeats the typical discussion, contextualizing and thus disarming the verses and stories most frequently used to condemn homosexuality. The much less common approach of the second half is to uncover or reread stories that affirm same-sex relationships, such as Naomi and Ruth, David and Jonathan, and the Beloved Disciple. The latter half also challenges the concept of Christian "family values," arguing that it is nonbiblical and that current anti-LGBT positions mirror early Christianity's hesitancy to reach out to gentiles. This dual method provides LGBT Christians and their allies plenty of fodder for countering homophobic rhetoric. Although Sharpe oversells many of the more speculative arguments and leaves others incomplete, his writing is persuasive and engaging. Each chapter ends with a summary of key points, which greatly aids self-study. This work is a valuable introduction for LGBT individuals, supporters, and even detractors%C2%A0willing to consider the possibility of blending Christian belief and nonheterosexual desires and lives. (Sept.)
Reviewed on: 07/11/2011
Genre: Religion
Open Ebook - 214 pages - 978-1-78099-063-7