cover image The Iguana Tree

The Iguana Tree

Michel Stone. Hub City (John F. Blair, dist.), $24.95 (220p) ISBN 978-1-891885-88-4

Short-story writer and essayist Stone's beautiful debut novel tracks the hopes and travails of a Mexican couple rent by figurative and physical borders. Lilia and H%C3%A9ctor have strong ties to Puerto Isadore%E2%80%94Lilia's family has called it home for generations%E2%80%94but the allure of a better life in America prompts H%C3%A9ctor to entrust himself to a coyote and endure a terrifying and trying journey that lands him in South Carolina. Meanwhile, Lilia remains at home to care for their infant daughter and cope with the passing of her grandmother on her own. As H%C3%A9ctor and Lilia fight their own battles thousands of miles apart, the divide grows too burdensome for Lilia%E2%80%94whose friends maintain that H%C3%A9ctor has abandoned her, "ashamed of his heritage"%E2%80%94who attempts her own crossing in hopes of joining her husband. However, as is the case for many would-be immigrants, the trip is disastrous, and the realized risks far outweigh the potential rewards. H%C3%A9ctor and Lilia's hopes and trepidations are poignant and honest, and Stone manages to deftly address a serious political and humanitarian issue without seeming heavy-handed. Well-written, expertly paced, and timely. (Mar.)