cover image Mayo Clinic Guide to Fibromyalgia: Strategies to Take Back Your Life

Mayo Clinic Guide to Fibromyalgia: Strategies to Take Back Your Life

Andy Abril and Barbara K. Bruce. ayo Clinic, $21.95 trade paper (272p) ISBN 978-1-893005-49-5

Rheumatologist Abril and psychologist Bruce, directors of the Mayo Clinic’s multi­disciplinary Fibromyalgia Treat­ment Program, present a comprehensive guide to one of medicine’s most misunderstood conditions. Fibromyalgia is a sensory disorder caused by changes in the nervous system that leads to miscommunication between the body’s nerves and brain about pain. In clear, lucid language, Abril and Bruce offer the newest guidelines and advice for every step of a patient’s journey, from the sometime elusive diagnosis to treatment and the daily management of pain and limitations. Part 1 discusses the causes of fibromyalgia and dispels common misconceptions—for instance, that fibromyalgia is a mental health disorder. Part 2 focuses on treatment, including pain medications and cognitive behavioral therapy, while Part 3 is all about identifying and taking positive actions against recurring and new symptoms, such as through regular exercise and improved nutrition and sleep. The most successful way to treat fibromyalgia, Abril and Bruce conclude, is with a variety of therapies performed by a coordinated team of experts. Coming from one of the most reliable, respected health resources that Americans have, this book is the first one a newly diagnosed patient should consult. (Sept.)