The Gift of Grandparenting
Thea Jarvis. Sorin Books, $12.95 (188pp) ISBN 978-1-893732-63-6
""It's a delightful surprise, this playtime granted in our later years,"" writes Jarvis, a retired family life columnist and freelance writer. In this small book, she encourages grandparents to receive laughter, disorder and playtime as spiritual gifts, relishing in ""the joy of release"" that grandparenting can bring. In 10 short chapters, Jarvis explores how grandparents can play, teach, grow, trust, serve, set limits, heal, remember, love and ""dance"" (be open to celebration). Grandparents are important figures in kids' lives, since they create a sense of history and can ""soften the edges"" of childhood. Grandparenting is a second chance at parenting, with none of the pressure and all of the fun. Jarvis's writing style is journalistic, as she interviews grandparents from all walks of life and cites statistics about aging and the changing American family. Although there are no surprising or deep insights here, this is a highly readable and entertaining little gift book.
Reviewed on: 09/01/2003
Genre: Nonfiction