Get the Scoop on Animal Poop!
Dawn Cusick. Charlesbridge/Imagine!, $15.95 (80p) ISBN 978-1-936140-42-8
In this extensive and wide-ranging guide to animal feces, Cusick discusses types of animal droppings, terminology, the logistics of defecation for aquatic species, the ways in which poop contributes to ecosystems and food chains, how animals communicate using feces, and more. The overall design is a bit cluttered and dated-looking: photographs depict numerous animals—including opossums, sloths, penguins, and the viceroy and white admiral caterpillars (which camouflage themselves as bird droppings)—and their waste products, while sidebars explain unusual uses for poop, such as a “Geisha facial” made from nightingale feces. An interview with a veterinarian and ideas for poop-related learning activities (a scavenger hunt for worm castings, anyone?) urge readers to explore the science behind the giggle-inducing topic. Ages 7–11. (Feb.)
Reviewed on: 04/23/2012
Genre: Children's